Exhibition view “Eva Fàbgregas. Devouring Lovers", Hamburger Bahnhof - National Gallery of the Present, July 6th, 2023-January 7th, 2024 Exhibition view “Eva Fàbgregas. Devouring Lovers", Hamburger Bahnhof - National Gallery of the Present, July 6, 2023-7.1.2024 © Courtesy Eva Fàbregas, State Museums in Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof - National Gallery of the Present / © Photo Romana Eder-Grabher

Eva Fabgregas. Devouring Lovers

Exhibition view “Isa Genzken. 75/75", Neue Nationalgalerie, July 13th, 2023 - November 27th, 2023 / © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023 / © Photo Romana Eder Grabher, FRIENDS of the Nationalgalerie

Isa Genzken. 75/75

Sound in the Garden - Opening with MARYAM.fyi / New National Gallery, 2023 / National Gallery - State Museums in Berlin / Photo © Romana Eder Grabher, FRIENDS of the National Gallery


What can Architecture do for you? / New National Gallery, 2023 / National Gallery - State Museums in Berlin / © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023 / © Photo Romana Eder Grabher, FRIENDS of the National Gallery

What can Architecture do for you?