Julian Rosefeldt.
Manifesto February 10, 2016 - November 6, 2016
Hamburger Bahnhof – National Gallery of the Present

Duration February 10, 2016 - November 6, 2016

Location Hamburger Bahnhof – National Gallery of the Present

The exhibition is made possible by the Association of Friends of the National Gallery.

We would like to thank the Tretford Carpet company for their generous support. Manifesto is a joint production of the Nationalgalerie - Staatlichemuseums zu Berlin together with the Australian Center for the Moving Image, Melbourne, the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, the Sprengel Museum, Hanover and the Ruhrtriennale. The project was created in cooperation with Bayerischer Rundfunk and thanks to the generous support of the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and the Burger Collection Hong Kong. On the occasion of this collaboration, Manifesto was acquired for the Nationalgalerie by the Association of Friends of the Nationalgalerie.

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From February 10th to September 18th, 2016, the Nationalgalerie in Hamburger Bahnhof is dedicating a solo exhibition to the Berlin-based artist Julian Rosefeldt (born 1965). In addition to his photographic works, Rosefeldt is best known for his lavishly staged films.

The longing for manifestos is unbroken. This is what Rosefeldt's new film installation Manifesto shows: 13 films running in parallel bring angry, youthful and incredibly current-sounding words to the screen. In fact, for each film, Rosefeldt collaged historical original texts from numerous manifestos by artists, architects, choreographers and filmmakers - including texts by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Tristan Tzara, Kazimir Malevich, André Breton, Claes Oldenburg, Yvonne Reiner, Sturtevant, Adrian Piper, Sol LeWitt or Jim Jarmusch. Many of them display surprising theatrical and literary strength. The liveliness and angry outcry of a young generation are inscribed in the content and performative energy of the proclamations. Rosefeldt has condensed this power into speakable text collages.

By shortening and combining texts from different authors, 13 poetic monologues were created. Julian Rosefeldt combines them with his interest in the working and living worlds of the present and in this work combines the newly created manifesto texts with situations of today in which women hold monologues both publicly and internally. They are embodied and performed by the Australian actress Cate Blanchett. The individual films develop a range of highly individual personalities: Through costume, make-up, location and her multifaceted acting, Blanchett transforms herself into characters as diverse as a primary school teacher, a puppeteer, a broker, a eulogist and a homeless man. In the role of these protagonists, Blanchett connects the texts with an unexpected and contemporary context.