Raoul de Keyser
Untitled, 2005

Raoul de Keyser


Year of creation

Technique and dimensions
oil and charcoal on canvas, 36 x 41 cm

Year of acquisition

Acquisition of the foundation

Not only these two pictures by Raoul De Keyser visibly emphasize the horizontal, framed by the two dimensions of the picture surface: "Untitled" (2005) and "Untitled (Veld)" (1972-2004) come from his series "Oever", which It is Flemish and means something like “shore” in German. In this series of pictures, De Keyser dedicated himself to landscapes in a very special way, which is particularly clear in the picture "Untitled (Veld)": The template for this picture was created in 1972 and was reworked for the series. As with the other works in the series, the concept is based on a linocut print from De Keyser's earlier work. He selected an excerpt from this to be re-edited as part of the series.

The composition of the picture shows that the beginnings of the picture date back to the era of color painting 30 years ago. Hanne Loreck writes about this in a catalog for the series: "Like most of his themes, he deals with the landscape structurally, on the two-dimensional picture surface."

However, Raoul De Keyser takes the interpretation of his works rather calmly and comments on the interpretation of "Untitled (Veld)" as a table tennis table or sports turf with a wink - which is probably typical for him.