Rirkrit Tiravanija
Untitled 2010 (All the Days on the Autobahn), 2010

Rirkrit Tiravanija

Untitled 2010 (All the Days on the Autobahn)

Year of creation

Technology and dimensions
Peugeot 205, stainless steel, colored glass, aluminum, coffee cup, 198 x 237 x 430 cm

Year of acquisition

Acquisition of the foundation

"What is your favorite piece of art?" RT: "Marcel Duchamp's fountain. Every time I think about it, I have to pee." From an interview with Nicola Bourriaud and Eric Troncy in documents sur l'art No. 5, Février 1994, p. 36

untitled 2010 (all the days on the autobahn) is a work from a series that I have been working on over the last ten years have worked. It is biographical and also a documentation of the artist and art in action, in which the boundaries of life and art merge into one another and can no longer be distinguished from one another. The artist in his daily life; his movement through time and space becomes his practice. In response to the above quote that I said many, many years ago, the question for me as an artist is how one can continue to make art after Duchamp's readymade.

In a way, I found that art is defined by the action you take on the object, by the use of the object when you live with it; with action and use one is asked to form meaning. The Peugeot 205 was a car that I drove when I lived in Berlin, it was an economical and efficient commercial vehicle - it took me to many places where I had to go to work and so I developed a deep relationship with it. As time went on and with all my other worries, the car became unnecessary and I set it aside and with this work I boxed it up and restored it to its original state - as a readymade. On his heel (left rear wheel) a riddle is written on a crushed coffee cup that says "Is this all there is to life".

(Rirkrit Tiravanija)