Under construction.
New acquisitions for the Nationalgalerie collection June 2nd, 2022 - January 15th, 2023
Hamburger Bahnhof - National Gallery of the Present

Duration June 2nd, 2022 - January 15th, 2023

Location Hamburger Bahnhof – National Gallery of the Present



Under the title “Under Construction”, Hamburger Bahnhof is showing new acquisitions for the Nationalgalerie collection, which have been made possible in recent years primarily with funds and support from the Friends of the Nationalgalerie.

Since the institution was founded in 1861, the National Gallery's collection has been expanded to include contemporary works of art from the respective eras. The collection has been “under reconstruction” recently, particularly since the exhibition and research project “Hello World. Revision of a Collection” (2018), which reflected the political and cultural framework of collecting and pursued an expansion of the National Gallery’s holdings to include non-Western art movements and transcultural approaches.

In a presentation of selected new acquisitions, which have been made possible since 2005 in particular by the Foundation of the Association of Friends of the National Gallery for Contemporary Art, the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Aktuell - Berlin is showing works by international artists in various media - painting, installation, Sculpture, video and works on paper.

Through their own approaches, aesthetics, themes and choice of references, these works shape how we look at the past and present and further develop, challenge and negotiate the collection as the museum's identity. That and how these works are able to constantly produce new interpretations will become clear over time in the museum as a site of lively debate.

The exhibition is made possible by the Friends of the National Gallery.

A special exhibition at the National Gallery of the State Museums in Berlin

More information about the exhibition