Festive award ceremony for the 12th National Gallery Prize

Pan Daijing , Dan Lie , Hanne Lippard and James Richards will receive the Nationalgalerie Prize, which will be awarded to four artists for the first time in 2024.

The Hamburger Bahnhof is showing the four new productions in a group exhibition, which will then enter the collection of the Nationalgalerie. James Richards shows an installation of collage, film and sculpture made from found and own images, Hanne Lippard fills the exhibition space with two sound works from her own voice, Pan Dajing leads the audience into a cinematic and musical work of art and Dan Lie creates an artistic ecosystem that which visitors can experience with different senses. The exhibition opens on Friday, June 7th with three admission-free open days at the Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Kulturen der Aktuell.

Trophies of the 12th Prize of the Nationalgalerie / 2024 designed for the first time by BMW Group Designworks / Photo David von Becker © BMW AG