“Nancy Holt – Circles of Light” special viewing

The FRIENDS met for a special viewing and tour of Nancy Holt's exhibition Circles of Light with curator Dr. Clara Meister in the Gropius Building. For five decades, Nancy Holt has studied how we perceive our environment and try to understand our place on the surface of this planet. With Circles of Light, the Gropius Bau is showing the artist's most comprehensive overview exhibition in Germany to date. The exhibition includes, among other things, film, video, photography, sound works, concrete poetry, sculptures and expansive installations as well as drawings and documentation from over 25 years.

Exhibition view "Nancy Holt: Circles of Light" / Gropius Bau, 2024 © Holt/Smithson Foundation / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024 / Photo © Lilian Vogt