
The board

FRIENDS of the Nationalgalerie , Christian Kohorst © Peter Rigaud

Christian Kohorst


When we experience art, we enter into a dialogue, we look into the distance and experience what it means to be human. The mission of the Nationalgalerie and its houses, which we FRIENDS support with great enthusiasm, is to open up this contemporary view of art in ever new perspectives to a broad audience

As FRIENDS, we combine civic engagement to make what is possible possible. With our unique 'business model' of pre-financing exhibition projects, taking on the risk of refinancing and also the realization of the project, we are expanding the scope of the National Gallery's possibilities. We are their reliable, yet agile partner.

H.-G. Jan Oelmann © Peter Rigaud, 2024

H.-G. Jan Oelmann

Art is vital to people's intellectual engagement and well-being. Supporting the National Gallery with its great art-historical breadth means supporting a flagship of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and my beloved hometown of Berlin. Every patronage commitment is worthwhile.

Dr. Anja Böckmann © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Dr. Anja Böckmann


Art – especially 20th century painting – has accompanied me since my childhood. The Nationalgalerie Berlin, with its various houses and its broad spectrum, has often introduced me to positions in art that I might otherwise have missed.

The friends are unique in what they do and how they do it, perhaps worldwide, but certainly unique in Germany. They enable projects/exhibitions/purchases that probably could not have taken place without the commitment and creativity of the team and members. I'm happy to be there.

Dr. Christian Bauschke © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Dr. Christian Bauschke

Should you turn a hobby into a career? I have been interested in art and exhibitions since high school. I bought my first piece of art in 1989 (I still like it). In 2004, I decided to work as a lawyer exclusively with art-related topics - and with interesting people: artists, collectors, art dealers, museum people.

I have never regretted this decision. The FRIENDS of the Nationalgalerie are one of the most honorable support associations ever. It is a great pleasure for me to support you in your tasks.


Rebecca Casati © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Rebecca Casati

In my years in cultural journalism, I have learned that the greatest persuasive people can be found in the sphere of visual arts. Because people who are once addicted to art, from then on think, breathe it, include it in everything and in everything. Because they have found something that fulfills them, disturbs them, excites them, irritates them and makes them happy, at any time. Because art is a life compass and at the same time an analogy to life itself.

It is a great privilege to be one of these believers and to be able to pass on these experiences. I would also like to do this for the Association of Friends of the National Gallery with pleasure.

Yvonne Borrmann © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Yvonne Borrmann

As an Argentinian who grew up between Germany and Latin America, the question of mediation between different cultures, traditions, expressions and approaches to the world is very important to me. In my journalistic work, as a filmmaker and co-festival director of a small film festival just outside Berlin, I have long been particularly interested in art's ability to take on other perspectives, intensify perception, and question and re-articulate models of explaining the world. In my work for ARCOmadrid in Spain, I also try to convey to Europe the enrichment that cultural production in non-European countries and exchanges with Latin America, Africa and Asia mean.

Architecturally and programmatically, the National Gallery is an exceptional, inviting place where a wide variety of cultures and social groups can come together. In times of increasing segregation, it is even more important to make the museum a truly open space for everyone and, especially through art, to awaken curiosity and understanding for other perspectives. I would like to contribute to maintaining and further developing the museum as a place of wonder, conversation and aesthetic joy, where a society can “constantly reformulate itself”.

Dr. Friederike Countess von Brühl © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Dr. Friederike Countess von Brühl

What do art museums and cathedrals have in common? That they are spaces for the search for the absolute. That people can go on a pilgrimage and be inspired, touched, moved there - sometimes even so profoundly that they are no longer the same when they leave the building. In this sense, the National Gallery, with its world-class collections, truly has a mission.

As part of this mission, the Friends of the National Gallery have repeatedly provided groundbreaking impulses and moved a lot in the past - more than almost any other group of museum friends, including internationally. I would like to strive to continue and further develop this legacy.

Claudia C. Hornemann © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Claudia C. Hornemann

When I came to Berlin from London in 1991 after studying, I immersed myself in a lively, unconventional art scene that really inspired me. In the mid-90s I became a member of the circle of friends on the recommendation of Erich Marx. After the untimely death of Männe Stober, Peter Raue felt it was a matter close to his heart to found a circle for young members. I had the great pleasure of running this on a voluntary basis until I moved to Düsseldorf.

From 2001, I worked as a manager in sponsoring and fundraising for the NRW Art Collection for 10 years. Inspired by the Berlin model, I became actively involved in founding a young support group. I have been advising cultural institutions and companies for over 18 years and creating long-term collaborations. I am grateful to be able to get actively involved again after 20 years.

Jürgen Lucius © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Jürgen Lucius

Visual art has enriched my life since my early youth. Here I find balance with my job and my senses are directed in other directions. Among other things, I use my connections to industry to find economic supporters for our ambitious exhibition projects and to promote the important function of this extraordinary association.

Marc Müller © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Marc Müller

Promoting art and culture has been important to me for many years. As a business man, I stand for the combination of entrepreneurship and the promotion of open access to art and cultural diversity. Art trains empathy, broadens horizons, promotes diversity and shapes attitudes. For me, art and culture are of outstanding importance for society. They reflect social debates, they offer areas of friction for dealing with reality and point beyond everyday events.

I firmly believe in the mission of the Friends of the National Gallery to make art and culture accessible to as many people as possible and  to enable participation, perspectives and opportunities. With my commitment, I would like to contribute to making the different perspectives and social trends in art and the cultural diversity in Berlin's civil society even more visible. In addition, I would like to use my network from business, the start-up scene and culture to promote the Berlin art scene and promote the importance of Berlin as an exhibition metropolis. There is no better place for these concerns than the Association of Friends of the National Gallery. I would like to commit myself wholeheartedly to these goals.

Ingeborg Neumann

My life is shaped by an industrial environment. Dealing with art, especially fine art, gives me the necessary balance: here the economic world with its deterministic processes, there the world of art with its images.

This gives me inner space, and engaging with artists and their works sharpens awareness and stimulates creativity. This can be addictive. And where could there be a better place for this than with the Friends of the National Gallery? Hence my commitment.

Martin Reichert © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Martin Reichert

How could you not be a friend of the National Gallery? Just because of the architecture! It is not for nothing that Mies van der Rohe's Temple of Modernism remains the Friends' flagship and is without question Berlin's most beautiful building of the 20th century.

Even 60 years after its opening, the house has lost none of its casual grandeur. Contrary to what the name suggests, the National Gallery is not a state-supporting institution, but rather a cosmopolitan and lively exhibition space in the present. This should continue to be the case. That's what we stand for.

Gabriele Quandt © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Gabriele Quandt

After nine eventful years as chairwoman of the association, I would like to continue to accompany FRIENDS from the board of trustees, because this association is something very special and a matter close to my heart!

Christian Kaspar Schwarm © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Christian Kaspar Schwarm

I am fascinated by the history of the association: founded in 1929, re-established in 1977 - both times to make extraordinary art experiences possible that would otherwise have been denied to many people. Translating this attitude, which is unconventional in the best and most beautiful sense, into the near and distant future... I would like to work on that.

Dr. Alexandra Stender © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Dr. Alexandra Stender

Art should connect people, provoke contradiction and show new perspectives. Promoting this in the spirit of friendship and cohesion and experiencing it together are the driving forces behind our association. I would like to contribute to this with my work on the board of trustees.

Julia Stoschek (2018) © Sirin Simsek

Julia Stoschek

The Nationalgalerie and Berlin have always stood for avant-garde. In times like these, progressive and contemporary art as a social compass is more important than ever. That's why I would like to contribute my experience and knowledge to this field so that the National Gallery can continue to fulfill this role in the future.


Charlotte Paulus © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Charlotte Paul

I can still remember my first visit to the museum very well. It was a Picasso exhibition at the Neue Nationalgalerie and I was four years old. The fascination for art has accompanied me my entire life. I believe in the power of art and that it can connect us. With my commitment, I would like to bring young people together, encourage exchange and ensure shared experiences.


Dr. Katharina von Chlebowski © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Dr. Catherine von Chlebowski


André Odier © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Andre Odier

Managing Director

Honorary President

Prof. Dr. Peter Raue © Peter Rigaud, 2024

Prof. Dr. Peter Raue

Chairman 1977-2008

Honorary members

Prof. Dr. Peter Klaus Schuster

Honorary member since 2015

Ulla Pietzsch

Honorary member since 2010

Heiner Pietzsch

Honorary member since 2010

Claus Bacher

Honorary member since 2017
† 2020

Prof. Dr. Heinz Berggruen

Honorary member since 1996
† 2007

Prof. Dr. Dieter Honisch

Honorary member since 1998
† 2004

Dr. Walter Scheel

Honorary member since 1987
† 2016

Prof. Dr. Leopold Reidemeister

Honorary member since 1979
† 1987